Tag Archive | Gorillas

From This to This = The Zoo is Not Fun for the Animals


I went to my first Zoo about mid 2000’s and hated it. I found the animals beautiful but found the environment to which they were subjected to to be disgusting and inhumane.

One of the images that still sticks with me to this day and probably will for the rest of my life, is when we entered the area where the gorilla’s stay. I remember seeing this one gorilla sitting against a tree with his arms folded looking extremely bored and a bit sad. The other gorillas were sitting around elsewhere in the pen with the same look and disposition on their faces. I felt very sorry for them and wanted to free them.

The areas in which these animals are confined is not right. As the saying goes, you can put lipstick on a pig, but its still a pig. So, these zoo people can put grass and hay and place water in areas, but the fact remains the same; these animals are confined to small areas that resemble nothing to what they are used to ore should be living in.

Now a perfectly healthy Giraffe has been killed at a Zoo in Copenhagen: http://world.time.com/2014/02/09/marius-giraffe-copenhagen-zoo/

I will never visit another zoo as long as I live.


Bored gorillas. I feel for you!